Camel Ride by hyrosy

Camel is the signature for hyrosy Summer 2024 collection. We had unforgettable experience this summer and we would like to invite you to an adventure with our lovely camels.

hyrosy Experience


We invite you to our territory to enjoy the palm trees and the refreshing air. The camel rides have special charm with a feeling of relief, their slow walks slows down the rhythm in mind, and the high seat on their back gives a wider perspective that makes the worries shrink.

We recommend this experience to everyone, and we brought it to you with an offer.

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Voici des photos de ce qui est actuellement en cours de conception et qui fait l'objet d'un contrôle de qualité avant d'être téléchargées sur l'une de nos chaînes. Profitez de ces photos des coulisses.